Wednesday, September 20, 2017

First Ghost - Secret Talk

1. Change Your Mind
2. If You Want To
3. Bounded
4. The Less You Know
5. Surrender

First Ghost have released their second album titled "Secret Talk." This album has a very soft, light rock feel, with elements of the 50's style thrown in there. They have a really polished sound that makes this album one to really listen to. They have a sound that fits somewhere between being indie rock and being pop punk, it is hard to find a similar band to classify them like. If you like the styles of music we say they sound like, give them a listen. They have made a pretty decent album. When looking at the recording quality of this album, the album has been recorded really well. The instrumentation is nothing to be amazed at, it is pretty straightforward here. They can play though which is good. Now onto the vocals and lyrics, the vocals are nice, soft and smooth here. Their vocalist has the perfect blend to give you nice, clear vocals that you can listen to all day. With the lyrics, the band goes for messages of relationships and life in general, they have a way of really getting that nice relationship out in their songs. Some of their songs make you jealous of the relationship they have. Really great lyricist in this band. If you are looking for single, give the song "If You Want To" a listen as this song has a really nice 50's vibe to it and shows off how the band hits everything well. First Ghost have made a second album that really speaks well and showcases the talent of the band. Overall we really enjoyed this release, even though it is not what we typically listen to. Hope this band can really get out there and make a name for themselves. Listen to this album to decide for yourself what you think of it.

Genre: Alternative/Rock/Pop Punk
Release Date: April 1st, 2016
Location: Toronto, Ontario
Label: None

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